Michael Umphrey, Helping People Buy and Sell Homes In Santa Fe For 30Years.

Meet Michael

Michael has established himself as one of the city's preeminent purveyors of luxury homes. He is well known and well respected throughout the Santa Fe real estate community and is consistently one of Santa Fe's top producers and has over 29years of experience as a real estate professional and senior-level manager.

Let Me Find Your Dream Home In Santa Fe


“Michael, I just wanted to say how much I appreciated your efforts selling my lot in Sierra del Norte. Despite the fact that there were many seeming limitations on the land; drainage and utility easements, setbacks and FEMA flood plain restrictions; you had buyers standing in line. Your patients and optimism, not to mention your marketing skills!”

-Michael Henry, Architect

“Michael is awesome! His networking skills are unsurpassed. He always returns phone calls promptly– eager to know what he can do for you. Michael offers services and references before and long after any sale is made. He’s an extraordinary person who goes the extra mile and more. His positive attitude is contagious, Satisfied customers!!”

- Jo-Lynne Worley & Joanie, Shoemakers

At the suggestion of my closest friend I asked Michael to be my Realtor. I found Michael to be very wise about the housing market. Early on Michael gave me a price range for selling my house in downtown Santa Fe. Had I listened to him it would have sold much more quickly. Michael never failed to offer his assistance to me in whatever way I needed.”

- G. Ross