Client Testimonials

  • "Michael flawlessly and professionally managed the following for us: As listing agent sold our property in Sierra Del Norte. We “had” to go to Hawaii. Michael supervised the movers and got us out of the house in time for the closing while we were away. He successfully negotiated the deal on our new house including allowing us to move in before closing just prior to our trip to Germany so that we were able to vacate our rental and return to our beautiful new home. Both closings were flawless. Icing on the cake: He sold our vacant land in a very difficult market. Michael and his family are dear friends."

    -Tom and Heidi Tilton

  • “Michael is awesome! His networking skills are unsurpassed. He always returns phone calls promptly– eager to know what he can do for you. Michael offers services and references before and long after any sale is made. He’s an extraordinary person who goes the extra mile and more. His positive attitude is contagious. Satisfied customers!!"

    -Jo-Lynne Worley & Joanie Shoemaker

  • "At the suggestion of my closest friend I asked Michael to be my Realtor. I found Michael to be very wise about the housing market. Early on Michael gave me a price range for selling my house in downtown Santa Fe. Had I listened to him it would have sold much more quickly. Michael never failed to offer his assistance to me in whatever way I needed and always came through for me even to the extent of helping to pack the POD with the movers since I was out of town. He is not only a fine Realtor but a person of extreme value. I would recommend him highly and without reservation."

    -G. Ross

  • "Dear Michael, I wanted to thank you for the very professional job you did handling and selling my property and for being so caring and supportive. You are an excellent, integrity filled executive in Real Estate and I am proud of the hard work you have done and your dedication to your commitment to helping others. Thank you!"

    -Louisana Longwell

  • "I have had many real estate dealings in my life. We live in LA and have decided to relocate one day to Santa Fe. Utilizing Michael’s expertise and dedication we purchased a fantastic home and with a great deal through Michael’s services as our realtor. We did it from LA. He has done everything except pay for it. It is because of professionals such as Michael and his devotion, care, competence and professionalism that we bought our home, and because of people such as him we are looking forwards to our coming years in Santa Fe."

    -Marty Barab and Leslie Miller

  • "Michael, I just wanted to say how much I appreciated your efforts selling my lot in Sierra del Norte. Despite the fact that there were many seeming limitations on the land; drainage and utility easements, setbacks and FEMA flood plain restrictions; you had buyers standing in line. Your patients and optimism, not to mention your marketing skills and attention to detail was what it took to find a buyer who finally saw the lands potential. I would not hesitate to recommend your services and I hope that we may do more business in the future."

    -Michael Henry, Architect